Of The Land Is Very Important:
Is carried
out in the months of March and April. It
begins with cleaning the over grown
areas and removing stones in order to
turn over the ground.
It is fertilized
with sheep or camelidaes manure. In the
preparation of the
land field, it is
possible to make plows of disks, yokes
of oxen (animal traction) r the use of chaquitaclla (tool used in Peru).
Sowing Time:
Is performed in the months of September
to November. It is mixed first, the
botany seed with ground or guano to get
a better distribution when you broadcast
the seed. The covering of the seed is
carried out with branches or by raking
superficially for the land field to get
appropriate depth of sown field.
Another way is the passing of a flock
The cultivation is intensive in
manpower, to make works like care and
of overgrowths. The maca is sowed
in monoculture or in strips of lands
bitter potatoes; this association
is generally made for the peasants to
the cultivation of the potato of
the attack of insects, since it is
believed that the
maca possesses
products repellent volatile of insects,
being used like an ecological
The lands field cultivated with maca
should rest at least 3 to 5 years,
because there
is a generalized idea
between the peasants that the maca
depletes the nutrients of
the ground,
and since it has been proved by
researches done by the peasants,
conclusion is that maca is a plant that
extracts the nutrients of the ground
emerge the plants, it will be tried to
eliminate carefully the mixtures,
many times as necessary. (generally 2
Avoiding Overgrowing:
density of the culture will be given
proportionally to the degree
of humidity
and fertility of the ground, evidence of
the rains in the period
of germination
in the first stage of growth, having to
remove some plants if the cultivation
has gotten grow very dense.
Elimination Of The Foliage:
When the
foliage begins its yellowish it is
maturation sign, many farmers
opt to
shepherd the sheep in these areas,
disappearing all the
foliage. Naturally,
this practice allows to accelerate the
process of
maturation of the roots.
After a
lapse of 8 to 10 months from the sowing,
one proceeds to this
work carrying out
it carefully since the roots should not
wither and
it is necessary to try to
gather all of them.
Drying The Roots:
Later on
to the harvest, the roots are exposed to
the sunbeam continuously
approximately for one month and if it is
in shade (in a garden shed),it is
to triplicate or even to
quintuple the lapse, avoiding the
exposure to
the freezes,
because if it
happened the product would degenerate,
taking the corklike appearance
and not
being able to be cooked. To obtain one
kilo of dry product, it is required from
4 to 5 kilos of fresh maca, being
determined the very best drying when
biting the
maca strongly, there is not
any imprint of the teeth in the maca.
drying, its conservation in the
granaries or barns result to be
practical. They could
be stored by
several years without any deterioration.
It is convenient to prevent the
of weevils in the warehouse, happening
it generally when they are stored
sheltered areas.
How Much
The yield
for cultivated hectare is about 5 Tm of
fresh product
approximately, or about
1.5 Tm of dry product.
Obtaining The Botanical Seed:
For the propagation with sexual seed, it
is necessary to carry out the
Selection Of The Best Roots:
After the harvest, the bigger and
developed roots are selected, roots of a
constitution and maturity.

Construction Of The Well And Planting:
It is necessary to dig out about 50 or
60 cm of depth where rallies are placed
in lines, then they are covered
with humid ground or manure, after 3O to
45 days it
is observed that the
offspring have sprouted.
The small plants with their respective
roots are sowed in the land field well
from 40 to 50 cm of distance
between plants, then they require to be
quickly every week until they
flower and give us the seed. This occurs
in the 6th or
7th month.
Gathering Of The Seed:
After the seed has matured, it is time
to pick it up and then to dry off the
and shafts, later the seed is
thrashed and blew to obtain seeds of
good quality and
very clean.
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