What Is Erectile

When you can't get an erection to have sex, it's called erectile dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction is also called "impotence." You might not be able
to get an erection at all, or you might be unable to keep one long enough to
finish having sex.
Erectile dysfunction
(ED), also referred to as impotence, is the inability to attain or
maintain an erection sufficient for successful sexual activity.
Normally, an erection occurs when the arteries carrying blood to the
penis widen, allowing more blood to flow in, and the veins carrying
blood away from the penis are compressed, restricting blood from flowing
out. In other words, more blood flows in and less flows out, making the
penis larger and causing an erection. Certain nerves and hormones in the
body also play a role in initiating and maintaining an erection. Any
abnormality involving these systems, whether due to medication or
disease, has a significant effect on the ability to develop and sustain
an erection, to ejaculate, and to experience orgasm.
Is erectile dysfunction just a part of old age?
Erectile dysfunction doesn't have to be a part of getting older. It's true
that as you get older, you may need more stimulation to get an erection. (You
may need more stroking and touching to get an erection.) You might also need
more time between erections. But the inability to get an erection isn't
"just a part of getting old."
A Common Problem...
Any man can experience ED at any time during his adult life. An erection
problem may happen once in a while, or all the time. Either way, your
doctors can help. You might visit your regular doctor. Or you may be
referred to a urologist (a doctor who specializes in the urinary
tract and the male sexual organs).
What causes erectile dysfunction?
Some medical problems can cause erectile dysfunction, like these:
Using certain medications, such as
sedatives, tranquilizers, blood pressure medications, or diuretics
Smoking tobacco or marijuana
Drinking too much alcohol
Injury to nerves or blood vessels
Having an illness, such as
diabetes, alcoholism, depression, or a prostate problem
Feeling stress over a recent
hardship or lifestyle change
If you can't keep your blood sugar or your blood pressure under control, you
can get erectile dysfunction. It's important that you take your medicines for
these problems just the way your doctor tells you.
Sometimes your hormones get out of balance and this causes erectile
dysfunction. Your doctor will decide if you need blood tests to check your
hormones. Some of your medicines could cause this problem. If this is true for
you, your doctor may take you off that medicine or give you a different one.
Drinking too much, smoking too much and abusing drugs can also cause erectile
It's important to have a good relationship with your sexual partner. If you
don't have a good relationship, you might try therapy to see if a closer
relationship helps your sex life.
Can medicine help?
After your doctor checks you for medical problems and medicines that might
cause erectile dysfunction, he or she may have you try a medicine to help with
erectile dysfunction. Some of these medicines are injected or put into your
penis. Other medicines are taken by mouth. Not everyone can use these medicines.
Your doctor will help you decide if you can try them.
Herbs and Supplements
There's little
evidence to support the use of herbs for treating erectile
dysfunction. If you do choose to try herbs and supplements,
inform your doctor. Ginkgo has been shown to increase blood
flow, but there is no direct proof that this leads to regained
function for men. Ginseng and saw palmetto are two other popular
herbs whose claims regarding erectile function have yet to be
well proven. The amino acid arginine is being studied and may
show promise in some cases of erectile dysfunction, but more
research is needed.
Imperial Gold Maca is
an excellent choice for erectile dysfunction. |
Good News
For Men
New treatments for ED are being studied.
These include new medications, gels, and patches. So stay in contact
with news reports. If your symptoms persist, you can adjust your current
treatment or prescribe something new like Imperial Gold Maca which has
proven to be very effective in increasing libido and overall sexual
interest. Studies have shown that it does increase sperm count and
testosterone levels naturally.
What other options do I have?
If the medicines aren't right for you, you could also try using vacuum pump
devices, or you could have surgery. Your doctor may send you to a urologist to
talk about these options.
If the cause is judged to be
psychological, it is crucial to review your relationship with your
partner and to examine other possible sources of stress or tension in
your life. A trained therapist can aid in these matters and may help
unearth problems such as unreasonable guilt, performance anxiety, or
inhibiting attitudes toward sex that were learned at an early age.
Imperial Gold
Maca™ which has proven to be very effective and may increase libido and
overall sexual interest. Studies have shown that it does increase sperm
count and testosterone levels naturally and is very well worth your time
to try.
Information on this site is
provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the
advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should
not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health
problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. You should read carefully all
product packaging. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem,
promptly contact your health care provider. Copyright © 2000-2018
Imperialgoldmaca.com All rights
Information and statements
regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
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